the blog

Thursday, April 30, 2009

nosebleed cental

So I have terrible blood sugar [non existant, nearly] and I am anemic to the core. Nosebleeds have become my best friend and it's irony mainly because I never take the high road.

A couple of days ago I thought about art, what it must feel like to be an artist. It reminds me of getting bitten by a snake and sucking the blood out with your mouth, then spitting it out. To be able to extract poisons, sorta speak. but then there are those of us who don't have a way of getting the poison out, so it pumps through my veins and has become my sustenance. WTF, how can I be living off my poison? I have no idea but I am. I could be the explanation as to why I am so crass and careless with even people I care about the most.

The strange this is I know I am performance artist. HA, it feels so weird to actually say that out loud. I am so envious of the courage that artists have, to draw or sing or write. I guess thats why I've penned myself Selina LION lately... [cowardly]. What is an actress to do? Have monologues in the car where I make myself cry and pretend to have different accents [I am currently obsessed with a Shreveport accent and subtle difference between Louisianna and general southern accents]? I already do! Someone be in a performance art group with me and make this all go away.

My mission is not to be ashamed anymore.

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